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CCTV Security System

We have a wide selection of CCTV systems such as Audio CCTV, Colour CCTV, and the latest technology, which is AI CCTV, for you to choose depending on your preference and needs. We provide affordable yet quality CCTV security systems. Our CCTVs are suitable for homes, offices, grocery stores, and extensive buildings.

Access Control & Door Lock System

Protecting your main door is the most crucial thing in a security system. Increasing the level of security at the main entrance can reduce the risk of property theft. It can be used for a homes, hotel rooms, and established companies. There are many choices available, depending on your budget.

Home Alarm System

Every home should be installed with a security alarm system to ensure all your belongings are in safe hands. We offer a wide range of alarm products to protect your home from unwelcomed guests.

Key Phone & Intercom System

Video intercom system ensures that your home is always in a safe condition. Users can confirm who is coming before allowing them to enter the home area. This product is very suitable for apartment residences and offices. Now your home is safe with a video intercom system.

Solar Panel System

Solar panels are suitable for places that do not have any access or connectivity to energy nearby. The power generated from the solar system can accommodate and turn on CCTV cameras, street lights and other electronic devices. It is designed to ensure that electronic products able to function in an area with limited or no connectivity.

Turnstile & Barrier Gate System

Barrier gates are ideal for commercial buildings, industrial areas, and residential areas such as condominiums, apartments, and more. It can also enhance the current level of security.

Auto Gate System

An auto gate system facilitates the movement of vehicles going in and out of landed homes. It is a secured gate system that helps owners to save time simultaneously. The gate is not able to open with force, instead only those who are allowed access can enter the yard.

Thermal & Temperature Screening System

With the ongoing pandemic, physical contact is highly discouraged. Temperature screening is an effective way to accurately detect body temperature while reducing physical contact. This technology is very suitable for schools, shopping malls and crowded public transport stations.

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