Smart Door Lock

Smart Door Lock

The idea behind the latest smart locks is to combine useful features.

 Secure access control method with internet connection and remote convenience Control. There are several products on the market that offer these systems, but I will explain them. Two of them refocus on the features  and potential shortcomings they offer. The product serves as an inspiration for the current product implementation.

The most important feature of the Smart Door Lock app

 Features that  the smart lock app needs to support.  The Required column shows some features  submitted in the project proposal. All the features we initially thought were important, and  were very important to us, are marked in columns.

 I have an application. The “Good to Have” feature was also submitted in the proposal. This column highlights all the features we implement if time permits. Underline features that could not be implemented due to time constraints.

  1. Common UI/UX patterns, used in similar apps (familiar application design, for high adaptability).
  2. User personal account, including verification email and alternative sign up with a Facebook or Google account.
  3. Open/Close and Lock/Unlock door commands.
  4. Livestream of the camera in the door lock.
  5. Multiple “Smart Door Lock” devices – ability to add multiple door locks to the same profile, for different doors inside the same residence or other residences.
  6. Speaker and Microphone – for communication with different visitors while they are at the door.

Office Smart Locks: Various protocols

 In addition, which specific protocol is needed should be a factor. This will help you move to the lock section of your office. There are three main options here: Bluetooth, Zwave and WiFi. All three are wireless protocols that can effectively communicate with other valid devices.

  1. WiFi protocol

 The most famous WiFi in the group is the most powerful in terms of bandwidth capacity. There is an unlimited range with ample network connectivity. Therefore, you can communicate with the lock from anywhere in the world. However, it has the obvious drawback of requiring a lot of power.

So unless you plan to replace the battery every month, you’ll need to wire the power supply, which seems to defeat some of your goals.

  1. Zwaves

 Zwaves is a protocol very similar to WiFi in terms of bandwidth and range, with the added benefit of being optimized for low battery consumption. This means that the battery will be replaced much less frequently. However, it has the disadvantage of not being able to communicate directly with the network to transfer information. You need a Zwave hub as an intermediary (you cannot communicate from a phone without a hub). Fortunately, most smart home hubs can interpret Zwave, but that’s an additional consideration.

  1. Bluetooth

 Bluetooth is more than enough for smart locks, but a bit inferior in terms of network load. The only downside is that range, usually limited to about 150 feet or less. That is, you need to be close to open the door (for example, you can’t unlock it from across the town). In addition, it is energy efficient and requires little maintenance. Your phone actually speaks the Bluetooth language, meaning that you can communicate with it without needing any sort of interface. This is particularly cool if you don`t much enjoy having to navigate confusing and unintuitive app interfaces, and simply want to, for instance, tap your phone to the lock to get access

Smart Door Locks and the Internet of Things

  • I’m sure by now, you’ve probably heard about the Internet of Things (loT) and all the devices that it can include. One of the many classes of loT devices are smart door locks (a.k.a. smart locks).
  • Though the idea of loT is cursory to this article, it should still be touched upon. The world of loT is only expanding and smart door locks are along for the ride. Likewise, smart door locks fit into the broader scheme of smart home automation and security, both of which loT and loT devices dominate.
  • From a 10,000-foot view, loT is as simple as its name implies, so let’s not overthink or overcomplicate things. loT is a classification of hardware devices that are connected to the internet (or some other network) to share some form of data.
  • Some of these devices only collect and report data. But most loT devices connect to other loT devices and talk and interact with one another.
  • That last point is the most important to understand and is closely related to smart home devices and systems. Despite the fact that loT devices can be much more complicated.
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